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Basic Real Estate Strategies
for Beginners in Nigeria

Real Estate can be a great choice of investment but as a beginner it can get overwhelmingly challenging and complex; therefore, learning different types of strategies and ways of earning ROI is important. This TA&A article outlines the basic strategies, beginners need to imbibe before investing in the Real Estate.
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Basic Real Estate Strategies for Beginners in Nigeria

Cash Flow Strategy

This strategy is ideal for beginners in rental real estate investments, who are looking for a constant income apart from their main income. There are two ways to this Strategy:

  • Buying an investment property to rent out on a long-term basis has been and remains one of the common ways to make money in real estate in Nigeria. The most important benefit of traditional rentals is that an investor gets to make money both in the short-run (through rental income) and in the long haul (through real estate appreciation). Long-term rentals provide a more stable source of income in addition to a lower turnover rate and require less management and maintenance than short-term rental properties.
  • This real estate strategy is common among new investors in Nigeria as they love is investing in short-term rentals, also known as Airbnb rentals or Short-let. This trending strategy is similar to investing in traditional rentals, but this time you rent out your property on a short-term basis – usually per night – rather than on a monthly or even annual basis. The barrier to entry for this strategy can be low as you don’t need to buy an investment property. You can start by renting out a room or two in your primary property or renting it out when traveling. This will allow you to get a flavor of real estate investing without committing to owning a property in the long term and will let you decide if that’s the right business for you. Also, Airbnb rentals or Short-let generate a significantly higher rental income and return on investment than traditional ones.
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    Commercial Real Estate Strategy

    Commercial real estate refers to real estate investments that are typically non-residential. Hotels, warehouses, offices, and retail stores are all examples of commercial real estate investments. These types of investments are typically considered active as well and involve the investor owning and renting out a space to a business that will use it. Just like residential real estate, you can earn extra cash flow by collecting rent or selling the property as value appreciates.


    Buy and Hold Strategy

    This strategy entails buying a real estate property and holding on to it in the long term until natural appreciation has pushed its value sufficiently to make sense to sell it. The key to success with this real estate strategy is to buy a property below market value and/or in a cold (buyer’s) market which is expected to heat up in the coming years. This will help accelerate appreciation and allow you to make money sooner rather than later. Buy and hold real estate is a way to make money in the long term and not in the short run but you can combine buy and hold with renting out on a short or long-term basis for maximum return.


    Flipping Strategy

    Flipping and microflipping Strategy: Flipping a property is one of the most active investments you can take on. When you flip a property, you purchase a fixer-upper in desperate need of repairs, then make those fixes and sell it. This tends to be risky because you must invest a lot of your own money into the property and there’s a chance you might find additional problems and lose money rather than make a profit. If all goes well, however, you stand to make a hefty profit upon sale.

  • Microflipping is the less extreme version of this; you buy a home property that is sold for less than their potential market value and then quickly resells them, usually without major repairs.
  • These are the basic strategies for beginner investors to get started with real estate investing, there are other strategies out but this article is to help avoid overwhelming yourself by narrowing down these strategies, so you can find a strategy that fits, adopt it, and get started.


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